Home Office
Every home needs a place for processing and storing the paperwork that comes as part of running that home. And most individuals have papers that need to be stored.
Without good systems, you can't find important papers - you know they're probably in one of those stacks, but quite frankly, those piles are too daunting to contemplate - you'd be in serious danger of starting a paper avalanche. And you don't like dealing with paper, anyway. It causes stress - your energy drops every time you think about it.
Maybe you've never got around to designating a space in your home for dealing with all that - perhaps it's spread between the dining table and various other places throughout your home.
Disorganisation can cost you money - in fines, losing your prompt payment discounts, and late payment fees for overdue bills. And WHERE did you put the tickets to that event?
You know you "should" get organised, and sometimes you even try to do something about it, but you don't know where to start, you have too much else going on in your life and your mind, and it's just all too hard.
I'll come to your home and work with you to set up a simple home system, tailored to your personal style. If there are huge piles of paper everywhere, it may take all day; if not, there may be time after it's done to tackle another area - your wardrobe, bathroom, or pantry.

- TradeMe Member marg41
I love working in offices - having them organised makes such a huge difference in my clients' lives.
See more office Before & Afters
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